söndag 6 oktober 2013

Working out

Someone has said that it's the easiest and hardest to start working out. I think this is true, first you go excited working out for the first week and feel the endorphins and the feeling of doing something. Then the first obstacle comes in to part. If you start doing everything with to much weight then your body can stand it's gonna hurt. This is one of the reasons why people probably stop working out. "What is the point when everything hurts and I can't even move". But that's just your own fault. That's why it's important to start with less and try carefully in the beginning to find ones place. I went to the gym and remembered what i've had before as weights on different machines, and I can inform you that it wasn't as easy as the last time. But it's gonna get better and thats important.

 Something that is also important when doing sports or working out is to make goals for oneself. Without these it's hard to motivate one to keep on going to the gym. And don't do a goal thats just one big one it's even more important to have goals along the way to see the progress. Thats why i'm making goals for myself also and it's good to write them down so you can read them and so you can say that you have promised to do them for yourself.

lördag 5 oktober 2013


So it's raining and i'm gonna get so wet when I take myself to the gym. But I don't care because i'm motivated to go and do the workout. I was pretty pleased with my effort yesterday when I went to the gym for the first time here in Norway. The fact is that the more you go the easier it's gonna get, and at some point the need of going is gonna get even higher then not going. I also purchased more "gym food" with more protein that is important when working out. When having everything at home when training out you really can't blame it on anything else than yourself if something doesn't work out. NEVER QUIT.

fredag 4 oktober 2013


So the healthy good life starts once again. I haven't been to the gym as I mentioned in the previous post BUT today I will finally do it. So now I promise myself that i'm gonna get in shape. As the Nike slogan says it good "Just do it". 

torsdag 3 oktober 2013


Valitettavasti on ihmisiä jotka ei mitään osaa, mutta välillä ihmettelen kyllä tehdäänkö meistä vielä tyhmempiä kun oikeasti olemme? Vuoden alussa nimittäin oli uutinen valmiiksi paistetusta jauhelihasta jonka oli tehnyt Wursti niminen yhtiö. Silloin ajattelin itsekseni että tästäkö tämä hulluus nyt sitten ottaa vauhtia. Onneksi ei vähään aikaan kuulunut mitään, mutta tänään sitten tuli uusi tempaus, nimittäin valmiiksi paistettu munakas. Hauskaahan tässä oli se että IS toimittajien mukaan munakas maistui kinkku-mikropizzalle. Tämän hienon uutuuden oli valmistanut HK. Nojoo hauskuus sikseen mutta tämä on oikeasti minun mielestäni huolestuttavaa, yhtiöt vaikuttavat luulevan ihmisten olevan sen verran laiskoja että ei edes munakkaan tekeminen ole mahdollista. Itse pidän ruuan laitosta jonka takia en yhtään pidä valmisruuista. Mutta joku rajahan tähän on vedettävä jos ruokahyllyille alkaa tulemaan valmis paistettu jauheliha sekä paistettu munakas. 

Being sick

I don't like being sick. Normally I don't even get that usually sick, it's only once a year it happens. So now when i've been sick already two times in Norway I think it's enough. I was really waiting for this day to go to the gym for the first time in Norway but I still didn't feel good enough so I didn't go. But my promise to myself is to go this week and i'm gonna keep that promise. I like going to the gym, it's relaxing and when you start to see the difference in the weights and also your body that's when it really gets you motivated. My opinion is that it's important to have other stuff to think about then just the studying. If you only think about it it's not healthy in the long run. I've seen a lot of videos that are really motivating. So hopefully this is gonna inspire me once again to really start working out because it really makes a difference in your mood and life. I have been running in Norway but of course working out at the gym is a hole other thing. So no pain, no gain!